Western diplomats touch down in Egypt

International efforts to end the crisis in Egypt gained momentum as diplomats from the Gulf, the EU and the US met the deputy leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Khairat el-Shater, today.

Shater, who is currently imprisoned, met the diplomats in a 1 hour discussion, telling them to negotiate with the deposed president Morsi.

Shater, an influential Muslim Brotherhood leader who is currently charged with inciting killings during the protests a few days before the military toppled Morsi, told the diplomats that the only person they should be negotiating was the ‘true president of the country’.

Speaking on the Egyptian unrest, US senator, Lindsey Graham, said,

“I want to keep the aid flowing to Egypt but it has to be with the understanding that Egypt is going to march towards democracy, not towards a military dictatorship. And that’s the message we’re going to send.”

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