Military harassment continues in Jaffna

Harassment and intimidation of civilians by Sri Lanka’s security forces in the occupied Jaffna peninsula were on the increase last week, even as the Liberation Tigers raised the matter with international truce monitors.

Violence and harassment of Tamils on the heavily fortified northern peninsula are on the increase the LTTE’s Jaffna Political Head told the Scandinavian observers of the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM) in a meeting on Friday..

“The civilian population in Jaffna district are infuriated by the SLA''s conduct which is infringing on peoples fundamental rights and which is creating a difficult environment to lead a normal life," said Mr.Ilamparithi told reporters after his meeting with a SLMM delegation led by Mr. Hagrup Haukland.

“Our political activists were forced to reduce their scope of work from the government controlled areas because of death threats and intimidation from SLA.”

The LTTE official also complained of harassment of Tamil fishermen – the military has imposed new restrictions, including reinforcing a special pass system for them, on their fishing in northern seas.

The Sri Lankan military is also enforcing new restrictions on farmers seeking to gain access to their plots. The Army has told farmers that they will be allowed to cultivate their lands between specified times and that moreover, only if they produces special passes issued by the 514 Brigade.

However, only a few of the farmers possess the passes and the Army is taking its time issuing them to the others, farmers’ representatives told reporters.

Under the terms of the February 2002 ceasefire agreement, the military was obliged restrictions on farmers and fishermen according to a specified timetable. Most restrictions have not been lifted and those that have are periodically reimposed.

Over a third of the Jaffna peninsula remains inaccessible to civilians, defined by the Sri Lankan military as a High Security Zone (HSZ). The area includes a significant number of residential properties and public buildings.

Amid rising anxieties about a renewed conflict, the most concerning issue raised by the LTTE’s with the SLMM was the significant strengthening of the Sri Lankan military forward lines on the peninsula, reports said.

In one incident last week, a prominent Tamil Member of Parliament was detained by the Sri Lankan military for over and hour and half, despite being identified as an MP.

Mr. M. K. Eelaventhan, Tamil National Alliance (TNA) national list parliamentarian told Tamilnet that soldiers had told him that they were checking his documents and other related materials on the orders of the Sri Lanka government.

In a separate incident, soldiers of the SLA manning coastal checkpoints assaulted a group of fishermen and damaged their boats Saturday for returning to the shore before the time officially stipulated.

Fishermen of Vadamaradchchi North have been ordered by the SLA not to return to the shore with their catch before 6.30 a.m.

With a ''Tamil Resurgence'' rally planned for Friday, Sri Lankan military has also been stepping up harassment organisers. TNA parliamentarian, Mr Selvarajah Gajendran, last week protested at the military’s “intimidating tactics” against student activists and others.

Last Thursday SLA soldiers at the Muhamalai checkpoint turned back a lorry belonging to Tamil Rehabilitation Organization (TRO) taking cement for its rehabilitation work into Jaffna.

The TRO has recently completed its first village reconstruction project in the region. ‘Aattu Patti’ in Karaveddy North, Jaffna District, was reconstructed with ADB funding under the Social Reconstruction programme and handed over to beneficiaries on 14 September.

Compiled from TamilNet reports

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