TYO-NZ goes green

Tamil Youth Organization New Zealand (TYO-NZ) went green on Sunday July 13, planting some trees in Auckland as part of a mentoring program for young Tamil children.


Youth from TYONZ took children from Poonga Tamil Community Education on a tree planting trip organized by the Auckland City Council. The tree planting session was a follow up in a series of mentoring sessions by the TYONZ around the various Tamil schools in the Auckland area.


Many young Tamil people, including some Tamil community members, planted over 400 trees in a native bush area surrounding the Auckland Zoo. The participants increased their knowledge of the native trees, the wildlife and the importance of sustaining New Zealand's clean, green environment.


TYONZ says it hopes to be able to run more mentoring programs throughout the year to give young Tamils good role models and positive outcomes to look forward to.  And to integrate them into the New Zealand way of life while sustaining their Tamil heritage and culture.

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