‘Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields’ to be screened at EU

Amnesty International, International Crisis Group and Human Rights Watch, along with five MEP’s have organised the screening of Channel 4’s documentary “Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields” at the EU Parliament next Wednesday (12.10.11).

A letter was sent out by the organisations inviting delegates to the screening.

The letter further states:

"Commissioned and first aired by British broadcaster Channel 4 Television in June, "Sri Lanka's Killing Fields" features devastating video evidence of apparent war crimes, crimes against humanity committed by Sri Lanka Government forces and the LTTE.

The documentary provides powerful evidence - including photographic stills, official Sri Lankan army video footage and satellite imagery - that contradicts Sri Lanka Government claims of a policy of 'Zero Civilian Casualties.'

It raises serious questions about the failures of the international community to intervene to prevent the deaths of upto 40,000 people,"

The film was recently screened to wide acclaim at the United Nations in New York and Geneva and on Capitol Hill in Washington DC, and has lent new urgency to the call by the UN Secretary General's panel of experts for an internal investigation.”

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