A memorial dedicated to Kurdish victims of the Halabja genocide, where tens of thousands were killed by chemical weapons, has been unanimously approved by the Hague City Council.
The memorial, proposed by the Halabja Memorial Committee, is planned to be placed near the building of the OPCW (Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons), with Harry van Bommel, an MP from the Socialist Party saying,
“For many years [since 2008] there were attempts to create a monument for a respectable memorial of the victims of the horrible poison attacks by Saddam Hussein… Now, it finally is here, there is every reason to celebrate. I want to thank everyone for their efforts.”
The announcement comes as Sweden’s parliament official recognised the Anfal campaign by Saddam Hussein’s forces against Kurdish people as a genocide.
Falah Mustafa, the head of the Kurdistan Region’s Department of Foreign Relations, stated on Twitter that the next step was to gain genocide recognition in the Netherlands.