An EU delegation currently in Sri Lanka said the government should remain patient with the application for the reinstatement of GSP+ trade preferences until there is a strong chance of it being able to secure the tariff facility, the Daily Mirror reported on Tuesday.
“This is why we are advising them (GoSL) to wait with the application for GSP+ until the conditions are ready so the EU can annul the revoke of GSP+, we want to be confident. Normally it takes about eight months to the process of granting the access, assuming the access will be granted. Neither the EU nor the GoSL want the application to be rejected,” said Paul Godfrey, the Chargé d' affaires of the EU delegation to Sri Lanka and the Maldives.
The official further stressed that there needs to be clear evidence to ensure that progressive measures have been taken to improve human rights and to achieve an irrevocable status to regain the trade concessions granted by the EU. Mr Godfrey said the government had achieved remarkable progress in reconciliation over the past year.
During the visit, the delegation announced a €38mn grant for development projects, mainly for rural development in the south and trade.
€30mn will go to the programme 'Integrated Rural Development in the Most Vulnerable Districts of the Central and Uva Provinces' and the remaining €8mn will go towards trade related assistance to help Sri Lanka to develop policies and improve market access, competitiveness and compliance with international standards.
“The new programme aims to support the country in its transition to becoming an upper middle income country,” the EU said.