Seven Catalan activists arrested on charges of terrorism

<p>Seven Catalan activists were arrested under charges that they belonged to a terrorist organisation and possessed explosives on Monday.</p> <p>Prosecutors have alleged that those arrested were planning an attack in an effort to seek Catalan independence. The judge deciding on this case has sent the seven n arrested to preventative custody without bail on suspicion of “belonging to a terrorist organization, making and owning explosives and conspiring to cause criminal damage.” The judge further stated that jailing them was necessary as there was a risk that they could destroy evidence.</p> <p>Two of the seven arrested have told investigators that they were making and testing explosives. This was further verified by a video obtained showing some of the activists carrying out tests of the explosives.</p> <p>Reuters notes that this attack was planned to occur between the anniversary of Catalonia’s Oct. 1, 2017, independence referendum and the announcement of the verdict in a trial of separatist leaders in Madrid - which is expected in the first half of October.</p> <p>Read more <a href="…">here</a>.</p>

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