Nigerian army receives training from Sri Lanka


Nigeria’s army has a sent a delegation of six members, to receive five days of training from the Sri Lankan armed forces in Maduru Oya.

Major General G Oyefesobi, the director of the Nigerian Army, led the delegation and spoke with Sri Lanka’s Army Commander, Shavendra Silva.

According to a press release from the army, the delegation has stated they are considering “sending more troops to Sri Lanka for Special Forces training in [the] future”.

They have also released information detailing two Nigerian officers who are already receiving training in Sri Lanka. 

This news follows an order from the UN that they will end the deployment of all “non-essential” Sri Lankan troops during peacekeeping operations.

Read more here: UN bans Sri Lankan peacekeepers

This was due to concerns over Sri Lanka’s human record as well as the appointment of Silva as head of the armed forces.

In August 2019, a group of UN experts condemned his appointment stating:

“The appointment of Lieutenant General Silva to the highest ranks in Sri Lankan’s Army, while facing allegations of this nature, is an affront to the victims and a harrowing sign of the perpetuation of impunity in the country, which risks undermining the trust of Sri Lankan society on state institutions and fuelling further destabilization”. 

Lieutenant General Silva was the Commanding Officer of the 58th Division of the SLA during the last stages of the war. His division is accused of being engaging in crimes against humanity and war crimes including the shelling of hospitals. In 2012, Lieutenant General Silva was removed from the UN Special Advisory Group on Peace Keeping Operations due to the allegations. 

Read more here: UN experts condemn appointment of Shavendra Silva

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