Former LTTE cadres among 15 remanded for alleged arms trafficking

Former LTTE cadres are among 15 individuals remanded for allegedly transporting and selling weapons to 'underworld gangs' in Colombo.

According to, the weapons and ammunition uncovered in the North-East reportedly include Claymore Mines, Live Hand Grenades, and T-56 Assault Rifles.

The operation was reportedly uncovered after one former LTTE cadre was arrested in possession of firearms in Wattala, a suburb of Colombo.

Sri Lankan state forces have attempted to link the LTTE or former LTTE cadres to several criminal investigations in the post-war period. In 2018, a former fighter was arrested and detained for several months over the murder of two Sri Lankan police officers in Batticaloa, only to be released and acquitted of all charges after investigations into the Easter Sunday bombings established a clear link between the murders and the Islamist groups who carried out the bombings.

Civil society groups have highlighted that former LTTE fighters continue to be victimised and harassed by Sri Lankan security and intelligence forces.

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