Protests in Batticaloa after Tamil man shot dead by Sri Lankan security forces

Protests have erupted in Batticaloa this evening after a Sri Lankan Ministerial Security Division (MSD) officer attached to ruling government parliamentarian Sathasivam Viyalendiran shot dead a Tamil man earlier today.

Locals gathered outside the Sri Lankan Podujana Peramuna (SLPP) lawmaker’s home, burning posters of the parliamentarian and calling for justice for the killing.

The murdered man has been identified as Mahalingam Balasundaram (34), a tipper truck driver who is said to have lived on Urani Merasa Road, Batticaloa. According to local journalists, Balasundaram was travelling in a three-wheeled rickshaw, when a confrontation arose with the ministerial security guard. The verbal confrontation escalated into a scuffle and the security guard is said to have shot Balasundaram in the head.

Whilst on his way to the hospital, he succumbed to his injuries and passed away.

Read more on the killing in our lead story:

'He was shot in the head' - Sri Lankan security forces murder Tamil man in Batticaloa

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