Sri Lankan soldiers attack Tamil journalist with barbed wire

Four Sri Lankan military personnel viciously attacked Mullaitivu journalist Vishvalingham Vishvachandran for taking a photo of a Mullivaikkal road sign.

The Lanka Sri journalist was reportedly thrown against barbed wire and has been admitted to Mullaitivu hospital for his serious injuries.

“I did not interfere with them (Sri Lankan security forces) from carrying out their jobs,” said the injured journalist. “I just came to take a picture of the Mullivakkal road sign.”

“They did not present me an opportunity to talk at all. Following this, I was chased by army officers from about 100 metres away. I edged back slowly as I was taking a video of the incidents unfolding. About 75 metres from there, they stopped me and attempted to confiscate any evidence they had on me.”

“This is barbed wire,” he said, pointing to his injuries. “They dragged me across the barbed wire. Look you can see the marks from dragging me!”

Vishvachandran then pointed to a man dressed in military uniform, identifying him as the attacker, as another soldier filmed him.

A palmyra stick wrapped in barbed wire was found at the scene – the weapon that was allegedly used to assault him.


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