Posters in Jaffna call for Gotabaya Rajapaksa to be arrested for genocide

Protests have been put up across Jaffna this week demanding that former Sri Lankan president Gotabaya Rajapaksa be arrested for genocide.

The posters, spotted at several points across the peninsula, were put up by the National Forum of Tamil Culture.

Rajapaksa is accused of overseeing the massacre of tens of thousands of Tamils in 2009, when as defence secretary he launched a military offensive that bombed hospitals, saw widespread sexual violence and executed surrendering Tamils.

He is currently in Singapore, having fled Sri Lanka last month, where authorities have faced repeat calls to arrest and prosecute him for genocide and war crimes.

Rajapaksa is reportedly able to stay in Singapore until August 11.

Last week, the International Truth and Justice Project (ITJP) filed a criminal complaint to Singapore's Attorney General, seeking Rajapaksa's "immediate arrest" for committing war crimes. A group of 17 Tamil and human rights organizations from across the world, alsoissued a joint letter urging Singapore’s Attorney-General's Chambers to investigate and prosecute Rajapaksa for his involvement in international crimes during the culmination of the Tamil Genocide in 2009. 

British lawmaker and Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Tamils, Elliot Colburn wrote to the Attorney General of Singapore yesterday, calling on the country’s authorities to arrest former Sri Lankan president.

“I urge you on behalf of UK parliamentarians to take immediate action to arrest Mr Rajapakse, seize his passport, and launch an investigation into the credible allegations against him.” 

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