Presidential polls : Bonds placed for Ariyanethiran as Tamils field common candidate

Cash deposits have been placed for a total of 24 candidates to contest the 2024 Presidential Elections in Sri Lanka. This also includes a bond for former Ilankai Tamil Arasu Katchi (ITAK) parliamentarian Pakkiyaselvam Ariyanethiran who is to be a common candidate for the Eelam Tamils.

According to the Election Commission, bonds had been placed on behalf of 24 Presidential candidates to-date. Among the candidates nominated for the Presidential Election, 11 are from registered political parties and 12 are names nominated by the public and one is from a separate party. The Presidential polls are scheduled for September 21, while Nominations will be accepted till August 15.

The Election Commission reports a total of 17,140,354 voters are eligible to cast their ballots in the 2024 Presidential Elections. Ariyanethiran has been endorsed by a group of Tamil political parties as a fitting common candidate who would voice the Tamil aspiration on a common platform. Although Sri Lanka's constitution does not permit a Tamil to become the country's President, Tamils in the North-East hope that this would be an indication as well as a representation of the Tamil aspiration. 

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