Two of Kurdistan's main political parties call for unconditional talks

Two of Kurdistan’s main political parties announced their willingness to enter into unconditional talks with Baghdad centred around the Iraqi constitution, reports Rudaw news.

The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) called for Baghdad to enter into unconditional following a meeting with 30 other parties in  the Kurdistan Region on Sunday.

Condemning Iraq’s military offensive on Kurdish regions in a statement released after the meeting, the parties said,

“We have always been wanting to have dialogue, but the Iraqi side has chosen a military logic. We hereby declare to all parties that we are prepared to have unconditional dialogue on the basis of the constitution, away from imposing the policy of de facto, attacks or military arrogance. Iraq needs to come to the discussion table on the basis of recognising the rights of Kurdistan nation. To this end, the government of Kurdistan will represent Kurdistan’s nation”

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