Posters of LTTE leader's quotes displayed at Jaffna Uni amid birthday celebration

"Any country and any community that does not break the shackles of women's oppression, cannot say that it has attained full societal liberation - National Leader of Tamil Eelam"

The words of the LTTE leader, V Prabhakaran were remembered through posters displayed across the University of Jaffna. 

The posters, which were put up anonymously inside the premises, feature a photograph of Prabhakaran with a quote. 

A cake was also cut by students in secret as the clock struck midnight to mark his birthday on November 26. 

"To analyse a problem and to reach a verdict, an exceptionally balanced mind is essential. A just vision - selfless, without any personal likes or dislikes and not giving way to emotions and familial affection - is essential - National Leader of Tamil Eelam"

"There should not be a dictatorship within the arts. If there is it will not grow - National Leader of Tamil Eelam" 


"Traitors are more dangerous than enemies - National Leader of Tamil Eelam"


"How ever the material world is organised, without vast changes within men's mindsets on the male view of femininity, women's equality will not be possible - National Leader of Tamil Eelam" 

"In all freedom struggles around the world, it is the ordinary people who bath in the fires of oppression - National Leader of Tamil Eelam"

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