Four Palestinians killed in Gaza boundary area

<p>Israel’s army has stated that its forces killed four heavily armed Palestinian men near the boundary area between Gaza and Israel on Saturday morning.</p> <p>The army claims that they began open fire when one of the four men crossed into Israel. They further state that the men were carrying assault rifles, anti-tank missiles, and hand grenades. According to their statement, one of the armed men had hurled a grenade at an Israeli soldier.</p> <p>There have been no casualties reported on Israel’s side.</p> <p>Thus far, no Palestinian group has claimed responsibility. Hamas has denied responsibility, stating that this was an "individual act by angry youths".</p> <p>In 2005, Israel pulled troops and settlers away from the Gaza region but continues to keep the area under a harsh blockade, claiming it is for security reasons. In response, Palestinians have staged weekly protest across the line dividing Gaza and Israel since March 2018 against the 12-year Israeli-Egyptian blockade.</p> <p>Al Jazeera reports that:&nbsp;</p> <p>“At least 301 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire in Gaza or the boundary area since then, the majority during demonstrations. Seven Israelis have also been killed”.</p> <p>Read more <a href="…">here</a>.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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