Fishermen conduct signature drive against use of trawlers

Organised by the National Fisheries Cooperation Movement and the Northern Province Fishermen's Association, Mullaitivu District Fishermen's Associations and the general public participated in a signature drive in front of the Mullaitivu Market on Friday. 

The fishermen are gathering support for their demand to implement a law that proscribes the use of trawlers as it affects local fishermen. 

Campaigns to collect signatures have also taken place in Mannar, Kilinochchi and Jaffna in addition to Mullaitivu. 

In the run-up to Human Rights Day on December 10, this collection of signatures is being carried out to enforce the existing law against trawl fishing citing concerns over the welfare of fishermen.

The campaign also held placards that called for immediate action by the government to “prevent the destruction caused by Indian trawlers.”  

Other posters contained the following messages. 

“Destruction of foreign vessels entering Sri Lankan waters illegally should be prevented.”

“Our rights must be protected in order to protect our borders and resources.”

In addition to fishermen and the general public, some politicians also made their signatures in support of the demand. 

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