India’s High Commissioner congratulates Sri Lanka’s president on electoral victory

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Following a historic victory, which secured the National People’s Power (NPP) coalition a two-thirds majority in Sri Lanka’s parliament

Following a historic victory, which secured the National People’s Power (NPP) coalition a two-thirds majority in Sri Lanka’s parliament, India’s High Commissioner, Santosha Jha, met with Sri Lanka’s President, Anura Kumara Dissanayake.

HC @santjha called on President & Leader of NPP @anuradisanayake to congratulate on NPP’s victory in #ParliamentaryElections2024. As a fellow democracy, welcomes the mandate & remains committed to further strengthening bilateral ties for the benefit of our peoples.

— India in Sri Lanka (@IndiainSL) November 15, 2024

Following a historic victory, which secured the National People’s Power (NPP) coalition a two-thirds majority in Sri Lanka’s parliament, India’s High Commissioner, Santosha Jha, met with Sri Lanka’s President, Anura Kumara Dissanayake.

On X, Jha noted that he welcomed “the mandate & remains committed to further strengthening bilateral ties for the benefit of our peoples”.

India’s External Affairs Minister, S. Jaishankar, has previously pushed Dissanayake to allow greater devolution to Tamils through the 13th amendment. Dissanayake’s party, the JVP has long opposed any reforms which would enable greater devolution to Tamils.


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